Writes short fiction and poetry with guidance.
Writes a variety of short nonfiction pieces w/ help.
Writes with a central idea.
Writes using complete sentences.
Organized ideas in a logical sequence
Beings to recognize and use interesting language/
Uses several pre-writing strategies (web, brainstorm)
Adds description and detail with guidance.
Edits for capitals and punctuation with guidance.
Reads beginning chapter books.
Chooses, read, and finishes a variety of materials
Begins to read aloud with fluency.
Reads silently for increasing periods (15-30 minutes).
Begins to use meaning cues (context)
Follows written directions.
Identifies chapter titles and table of contents
Summarizes and retells story events in sequential order.
Compares and contrasts characters & plots
Makes predictions and “read beyond the text”
Identifies own reading strategies and sets goals
Supplies/ Memberships included
Online Math Program
Keyboarding without Tears Membership
Handwriting book
Journal *Building Writers*
Set of Books for Reading
Phonics Online Membership