When a student first enrolls with Diligent Direction Educational Services the student takes a formal assessment for placement and academic progress base line. This is done in order to establish the academic and developmental needs for each student. Then the family goes through an intake assessment where we collaborate and evaluate the student's past education, courses or credits that have been awarded, and review the program requirements.
Thank you for considering Diligent Direction, here you will find an overview of how our high school program works.
First, we begin by analyzing the student's strengths and weaknesses.
From there, we review the required courses for graduation in your student's state, Including any courses your student may have already completed at home or through another program.
We use these two assessments to determine a graduation track. The graduation track is what classes a student needs to complete in order to graduate in a four-year High School plan. For students coming to us in their junior or senior year they may need to take on more or less than the average six classes in order to complete their courses on time.
All courses are designed to hit one of the three requirements for homeschool students.
150 hours for a full High School Credit 75 hours for a partial credit
15 objectives including curriculum completion
Mastery of a curriculum or skill.
The curriculum is developed based on the objectives required per your student's state. While we recognize that all students are not College Bound we never want a student to look back on their High School experience and regret not being prepared for college. For this reason, we will both recommend College Bound courses and credit requirements and also inform the family and student of graduation requirements that are less than College Bound requirements. For example, some colleges require three labs. In Washington state only two labs are required for graduation. In this situation, we will recommend three Labs, but be willing to offer a diploma at two lab completion.
TRANSFER STUDENTS- Diligent Direction requires a student to complete an academic year of study through the accredited program before verifying independent study completed prior to entry into the Diligent Direction.