Pre Readers
Able to focus 10-15 minutes
Relies primarily on pictures to convey meaning.
Begins to label and add “words” to pictures.
Demonstrates awareness that print conveys meaning.
Makes marks other than drawing on paper (scribbles).
Writes random recognizable letters to represent words.
Tells about own pictures and writing.
Read books with simple patterns.
Begins to read own writing.
Beings to read independently (5-10) minutes.
Shares favorite reading materials with others.
Relies on illustrations and print.
Uses finger -print-voice matching.
Knows most letter sounds.
Recognizes simple words.
Begins to make meaningful predictions.
Identifies titles and authors in literature.
Retells main event or idea in literature.
Participates in guided literature discussions.
Sees self as reader.
Explains why literature is like/disliked
- Developing a community for students
- Parent encouragement and accountability
- Support and collaboration for families to develop skills and troubleshoot developmental challenges
- Weekly structure with flexible goals and outlines
- Developing a love for reading, learning phonics & letter sounds, main ideas, and much much more...