Home Education
Home Education is as much about your family and their values as it is about the transcript. How can we support you?

What we offer...
Transcript Preparation/ Tutoring/ Assessments/ Curriculum Rental/ Virtual Classes/ On Site Community Learning
My goal is to offer home schooling families affordable support in core concepts and fine arts. We do this with classes, workshops, distance education support and curriculum development guides. Part of my beliefs on supporting families is that the parent is the first and best teacher for their child and by equipping parents with the skills and resources to do their job to the best of their ability we will all build a stronger community for our children to grow and thrive within.
High School Integrated Classes- An integrated class combines subjects across a variety of areas into one class to unify concepts and minimize busy, redundant work. The goal is higher level conceptual thinking, as one would see in real life as opposed to book work. We typically start with a core class of either reading, writing or arithmetic and then add unit studies and projects. Students then spend more time working on their projects, assignments and conceptual understanding and less time filling out worksheets. The goal is that each skill they practice in these classes apply to real life application. Example: Integrated Physics, US History & Persuasive Writing (3 Credits)
Montessori inspired community learning for PreK-3rd Grade- students will be given at home goals monthly for continued learning as well as opportunity to learn and grow in a community environment. Reach out for more information on how we facilitate this
Delayed Transcript Preparation- We recognize that a typical high school schedule is not always for every family. For this reason we also offer delayed transcription preparation. During this I will help you review and organize course work that has already been completed and simply needs documentation to back it. Examples: Algebra completed & graded during your student’s freshman year that did not get evaluated for a transcript. Business Planning your student took while helping budget, purchase, maintain, and reorder supplies for your family farm. Public Speaking credit while your child made a flyer, procured donations and taught lessons for a mission trip (could also be an integrated class for a world religions credit) We will work together to carefully retrieve all the necessary documentation to evaluate these experiences for course credit.
*** Family & Cash
Discounts available***

Tutoring, Classes, Curriculum and More
How Can We Help?
We offer a wide variety of services to help your student become a life long learner.
“The applications [from homeschoolers] I’ve come across are outstanding.
Homeschoolers have a distinct advantage because of the individualized instruction they have received.”
Dartmouth College
Admissions Officer